Client Work

Show Your Fins

Show Your Fins surf and skater merchandise and lifestyle brand

Surf and Skate Lifestyle Brand eCommerce Website

Show Your Fins surf and skater brand wanted a website which embodied the hang loose lifestyle🤙. The website highlights a social media surf competition called Wave of the Season, click here to experience Show Your Fins

Shopify eCommerce - We built, designed, and developed on Shopify's powerful eCommerce platform to ensure inventory management and sales/marketing tools were present for growth. Further, Shopify's platform makes it easy to upload, alter and discount products even from a mobile device with integrations with many technologies to ensure seamless operations. 

Mobile-Friendly Website - We ensured Show Your Fins  embodied the demographics of it's consumers by ensuring the website is mobile, tablet, desktop friendly and flexible, because their consumers are always on the move!

Show Your Fins surf and skater merchandise and lifestyle brand

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